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How Many Months Does It Take Catfish to Grow in Nigeria?

How Many Months Does It Take Catfish to Grow in Nigeria?

As a catfish farmer, you can only sell when your livestock is mature. The question is, when will that be? Well, here we’ll discuss how many months it takes catfish to grow in Nigeria. So, read on to get all the answers you’re looking for.

The Lifecycle of Catfish

To understand how many months it takes catfish to grow in Nigeria, you should understand their lifecycle. This knowledge is crucial for managing their growth and ensuring a profitable harvest. Catfish development unfolds in distinct stages:

  1. Eggs: Catfish spawning produces eggs. These eggs, under optimal conditions, hatch within a week.
  2. Fry: Newly hatched catfish are called fry. They feed on their yolk sac initially.
  3. Fingerlings: After exhausting the yolk sac, they graduate to fingerlings. This stage lasts about a month.
  4. Juveniles: Fingerlings then become juveniles. In this stage, they grow rapidly, given proper care and feeding.
  5. Adults: Finally, juveniles mature into adults. This transition typically takes a few months.

Understanding these stages allows you to tailor your farming practices to the needs of your catfish at each phase of their development. 

Read Also: How Much Do I Need to Start a Catfish Farm in Nigeria? 

Catfish Growth Timeline in Nigeria

Free Catfish in Body of Water Stock Photo

The growth timeline from fingerlings to market size is pivotal to your operational planning. This journey is a continuous spectrum with two significant milestones:

1. From Fingerlings to Juveniles

After their initial month as fingerlings, these young catfish enter the juvenile phase. Here, they exhibit a remarkable growth spurt, subject to optimal conditions. Proper feeding, water quality, and density management are crucial. Typically, it takes about 2-3 months for fingerlings to transition fully into juveniles. 

2. From Juveniles to Market Size

Once catfish reach the juvenile stage, their growth rate becomes even more pronounced. With sustained attention to diet, including protein-rich feeds, and maintaining ideal pond conditions, juveniles can reach market size in an additional 3-5 months. However, factors like breed, water temperature, and feed quality can influence this timeline.

Cumulatively, you’re looking at roughly 5-8 months from fingerlings to market-ready catfish. Monitoring and adjusting your farm practices throughout these stages are critical to ensure your catfish thrive and reach the desired size within this timeframe.

Factors Influencing How Many Months It Takes Catfish to Grow

Understanding the factors influencing catfish growth duration is crucial for any aspiring catfish farmer in Nigeria. Here’s a detailed look at the main factors:

1. Quality of Fingerlings

The genetic makeup of the fingerlings sets the foundation for their growth. High-quality fingerlings, typically from reputable hatcheries, have better growth potential. They’re usually more robust, disease-resistant, and genetically predisposed to rapid growth. Prioritizing fingerling quality can significantly reduce the time it takes for catfish to reach market size.

2. Water Quality and Temperature

Free Black and White Fish in Fish Tank Stock Photo

Catfish are sensitive to their aquatic environment. Optimal water quality parameters like pH, dissolved oxygen, and nitrate levels need to be maintained. Furthermore, catfish thrive in warmer waters, ideally between 28°C and 30°C. Fluctuations outside this range can slow down their metabolism, leading to stunted growth. Regular water quality checks and adjustments are essential for sustained growth.

3. Feeding Practices

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in growth. A balanced diet, rich in proteins and essential nutrients, is a must. Overfeeding or underfeeding can adversely affect growth. Overfeeding leads to waste accumulation, affecting water quality, while underfeeding results in malnutrition. Establishing a consistent feeding schedule and monitoring fish response can optimize growth rates.

4. Health and Disease Management

The presence of diseases can drastically slow down growth or even lead to mortality. Proactive health management practices like pond hygiene, regular health checks, and prompt isolation of sick fish can mitigate these risks. Vaccination and treatments, when necessary, should be administered under veterinary guidance.

By focusing on these factors, farmers can significantly influence the growth duration of their catfish. It’s a balancing act that requires attention and adjustment as the fish mature. Overlooking any of these aspects can extend the time it takes for catfish to grow, affecting the profitability and sustainability of the farm.

How to Make Your Catfish in Nigeria Grow Faster

Optimizing growth conditions for catfish in Nigeria involves a combination of best practices centered around feed, water conditions, and health management. Here’s a closer look:

Best Practices for Feed and Nutrition:

  • Protein-Rich Diet: Catfish require a diet high in protein for optimal growth. Ensure the feed has a protein content of at least 28-32%.
  • Feeding Schedule: Feed the fish at least twice a day. The amount should be around 3-5% of their body weight, adjusted based on their appetite and growth stage.
  • Feed Quality: Use high-quality feed with balanced nutrients. Avoid overfeeding to reduce waste and prevent water pollution.

black cat fish

Maintaining Ideal Water Conditions:

  • Temperature Regulation: Strive to maintain water temperature between 28°C and 30°C. Use shade or water exchange to regulate temperature fluctuations.
  • Water Quality: Regularly test for pH, ammonia, nitrites, and oxygen levels. Perform partial water changes as needed to maintain optimal water quality.
  • Aeration: Ensure adequate aeration to maintain oxygen levels, especially in densely stocked ponds.

Regular Health Checks and Disease Prevention:

  • Routine Observation: Watch for signs of stress or illness. Lethargy, loss of appetite, or unusual swimming patterns can indicate health issues.
  • Disease Management: Isolate and treat sick fish promptly. Maintain good hygiene in the pond to prevent disease outbreaks.
  • Vaccination and Probiotics: Where available, vaccines can prevent common diseases. Probiotics in feed can enhance gut health and immunity.


Implementing these best practices creates an environment conducive to rapid and healthy growth. This proactive approach to catfish farming ensures the fish reaches market size in the shortest time possible, enhancing farm profitability.

How to Know Your Catfish is Mature for the Market

Market readiness in catfish farming is gauged by the size and weight the fish have attained, aligned with market demands. Here’s an insight:

Typical Size and Weight for Market-Ready Catfish:

  • Standard Market Size: In Nigeria, catfish are typically considered market-ready when they weigh between 1-1.5 kg.
  • Size Variability: Depending on the market segment (retail, wholesale, or processing industries), the preferred size can vary. Some markets may demand smaller or larger sizes.

Adjusting Growth Timelines for Market Demands:

  • Market Research: Keep abreast of market trends. Demand for certain sizes can fluctuate based on seasons, festivals, or consumer preferences.
  • Flexible Harvesting: Adjust feeding and growth timelines to cater to market needs. If there’s a demand for larger fish, extend the growth period accordingly.
  • Staggered Stocking: To maintain a steady supply, practice staggered stocking. This allows for continuous harvesting at different growth stages to meet diverse market demands.


With the above information, you now have an idea of how many months it takes catfish to grow in Nigeria. You can check out our other informative posts at Biz Startup Today below. 

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