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7 Businesses To Start With 50k In Nigeria

7 Businesses To Start With 50k In Nigeria

With 50 thousand naira, it appears as if you can’t begin a profitable business. However, that’s not true. You won’t be able to launch a large-scale enterprise, but you can start something small and work your way to the top. The most important thing is that you make a suitable investment. In that view, here are seven businesses to start with 50k in Nigeria:

1. POS Business

a cell phone sitting on top of a wooden table next to a cup of coffee

To kickstart your POS business, a budget of 50,000 Naira is a solid foundation. This capital will cover the cost of a primary POS machine and some initial float to manage cash withdrawals and deposits. Your direct service would facilitate cash withdrawals, deposits, and transfers for a small fee, capitalizing on the convenience you offer to those who might need to travel farther to access banking services.

Location is a crucial factor for success in the POS business. Set up your operation in a high-traffic area, preferably where banking services are limited or inconveniently distant. Markets, busy streets, and residential areas are prime spots.

Leverage your social networks and community ties to spread the word about your services. Trust is a vital component of financial services, so establishing a reputation for reliability and integrity is paramount.

2. Smart Phone Accessories

With a budget of 50,000 Naira, you can procure a range of these accessories wholesale. Prioritize popular and fast-moving items that cater to the needs of a wide range of smartphone users. Establishing connections with reputable suppliers will ensure you get quality things that will keep your customers returning.

Marketing your business effectively is crucial. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp are potent tools to showcase your products. Moreover, consider setting up a small stall or kiosk in a busy area, such as near colleges, tech hubs, or marketplaces, where foot traffic and potential customers are abundant.

Smartphone accessories are not only in high demand but also offer high margins, making this venture an attractive option for entrepreneurs looking to start a business with 50k in Nigeria. With the right approach to sourcing and marketing, this small investment can grow into a thriving enterprise.

3. Drinks Sale

water plastic bottle

The Nigerian climate, characterized by its warmth, naturally creates a constant demand for cold beverages among locals and tourists alike. You can begin by purchasing wholesale quantities of popular drinks such as soft drinks, bottled water, and local favorites like Zobo and Kunu. To maximize profits, focus on sourcing these beverages at the lowest possible price without compromising quality.

The key to success in this business lies in location. Setting up a small stand in a bustling area, like a market, bus stop, or near schools, can attract a steady stream of customers. Additionally, consider offering delivery services to offices and homes, which can significantly expand your customer base. Furthermore, investing in a durable cooler or a small refrigerator will ensure your drinks are refreshingly cold, setting you apart from competitors.

4. Online Tutoring

In today’s digital age, the demand for quality education and skill acquisition has surged, making online tutoring a lucrative venture. Leveraging your expertise in a particular subject or skill, you can offer personalized instruction to students and professionals alike.

Your primary expenditure would involve setting up a professional online presence. This includes creating a website or platform to host your services, purchasing a good-quality webcam and microphone for clear communication, and investing in reliable internet service.

Marketing your tutoring services on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can attract a broad audience. You can also register on online tutoring platforms that connect tutors with students globally.

To enhance your credibility, consider obtaining certifications in your expertise and gathering testimonials from satisfied clients. This can significantly boost your profile and attract more students.

5. Snack Making

Snacks are an integral part of Nigerian culture, often enjoyed during breaks, at gatherings, or as street food, making this a potentially lucrative enterprise. With essential ingredients and equipment, you can start producing popular snacks such as chin-chin, puff puff, meat pies, or plantain chips. A 50k budget can cover the cost of flour, sugar, oil, and other essential ingredients, as well as simple kitchen tools like mixing bowls, frying pans, and baking sheets.

Marketing your snacks through social media, local community boards, or word-of-mouth can help you build a customer base. Packaging your products attractively and offering delivery services can also set your business apart. As you expand, consider selling your snacks at local markets, schools, or through partnerships with shops and cafes. 

6. Food Business

person slicing green vegetable on brown wooden chopping board

With food being a basic necessity and a cultural centerpiece, there’s always a demand for quality, affordable meals. Starting with 50,000 Naira, you can initiate a small-scale food business focusing on local Nigerian dishes or snacks. This budget can help you procure initial ingredients, basic cooking utensils, and a small stall or space in a local market. You could also opt for a home-based setup, utilizing your existing kitchen space to minimize costs.

The key to success in the food business is the quality and taste of the food, combined with strategic pricing. Start by offering a limited menu of items you can cook exceptionally well. Popular choices include Jollof rice, fried plantain, moi moi, and suya. Catering to breakfast or lunch crowds near offices or schools can provide a steady stream of customers.

Leverage social media platforms to showcase your dishes and engage with potential customers. Offering delivery services, meal subscriptions, or catering for small events can diversify your income streams. As your customer base grows, reinvest your earnings into expanding your menu, enhancing your cooking setup, and hiring help to manage increased demand. 

7. Content Creating

Content creation has emerged as a viable business with just 50k in Nigeria. This venture leverages creativity, digital skills, and the vast reach of the internet, requiring minimal startup capital. Your main asset will be your creativity and ability to create engaging content that resonates with an audience.

Focus on a niche you are passionate about and knowledgeable in, whether it’s fashion, tech, cooking, or lifestyle. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook are great for showcasing your work and building an audience. Consistently creating quality content can attract a loyal following.

Monetization can come in various forms, from ad revenue and sponsored posts to affiliate marketing and merchandise sales. As your platform grows, so does your potential for higher earnings.


There you have it. The above ideas are top-notch yet affordable businesses to start with 50k in Nigeria. Pick one that best suits your style and get to work.

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