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What Business Can I Start With 30k As A Student?

What Business Can I Start With 30k As A Student?

As a Nigerian student, you may be looking for opportunities to make money and support your studies. Well, you’re on the right page. In this Biz Startup Today post, we’ll review businesses you can start with as low as 30k. Read on.

5 Top Business Ideas For Students With 30k

With 30k, these are the businesses you can start as a student:

1. POS Machine

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Starting a Point of Sale (POS) machine business is a smart choice for students looking to make extra income. With a budget of 30k, it’s feasible to set this up, especially in university environments where access to ATMs can be limited or crowded. Here’s a brief guide:

  1. You’ll need to partner with a bank that offers POS services. Banks like OPay, MoniePoint, and PalmPay in Nigeria are known for supporting small businesses with POS machines.
  2. Choose a strategic location with high foot traffic but not too close to ATMs. It should be easily accessible to other students.
  3. Since this business involves cash, ensure you have security measures in place. This could be situating your POS stand near the campus security post or in a well-lit, populated area.
  4. Implement a small service charge for each transaction. Keep it reasonable so you don’t drive away customers but enough to make a profit.
  5. Ensure your machine is always functional and you have enough cash for transactions. Building a reputation for reliability will secure repeat customers.

With a small starting capital, a POS machine business can be pretty profitable, meeting the cash needs of fellow students while providing you with a steady income.

2. Ironing

In a university setting, maintaining a neat appearance is crucial but not always convenient. Starting an ironing service can be a lucrative venture for students with a tight budget. Here’s how you can set up this business with 30k:

  • Invest in a good quality iron and ironing board. Look for energy-efficient models to keep electricity costs down.
  • Find a spot within the campus or nearby student accommodations where you can set up your service. Ensure it’s well-ventilated and safe for operating hot equipment.
  • Determine a fair pricing structure. You could charge per item or offer packages for a set number of clothes.
  • Spread the word through flyers, social media groups, and word of mouth. Offer introductory discounts to attract your first customers.
  • Since Nigerian students are often pressed for time, offer quick turnaround times. You could also provide collection and delivery services for an additional fee.
  • Consider offering complementary services such as minor repairs or button replacements to differentiate your business.

By ensuring quality service and convenience, an ironing business can be a simple yet effective way to cater to the needs of fellow students and generate a steady income.

3. Writing Services

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Starting a writing service is an excellent business opportunity for students who have a knack for words. Initially, invest in a reliable computer and a stable internet connection. These are the primary tools of your business. Next, set up a comfortable workspace that fosters concentration and creativity. 

Begin by offering academic writing services such as essays, research papers, and reports. You can also extend your services to include resume writing, cover letters, and personal statements, which are often in demand among fellow students.

In addition to academic writing, consider providing content writing services for blogs, websites, and social media. This diversification allows you to cater to a wider market, including local businesses and online platforms looking for quality content.

Market your services through university bulletin boards, social media groups, and word of mouth. Build a portfolio showcasing your best work to attract potential clients. As you gain experience, consider setting up a website or blog to showcase your services and reach a broader audience.

Pricing should be competitive yet fair for the quality of work you deliver. Offer package deals or discounts for repeat clients to encourage loyalty.

4. Blogging

Blogging is a viable business for students in Nigeria with a startup cost of around 30k. It’s a platform for self-expression, sharing knowledge, and connecting with others. Here’s how to start:

  • Choose Your Niche: Pick a subject you’re passionate about. It could be fashion, tech, food, education, or lifestyle in Nigeria. Your passion will fuel your content.
  • Setup Your Blog: Use platforms like WordPress or Blogger. They’re user-friendly and offer free templates. Invest part of your 30k in a custom domain name to give your blog a professional touch.
  • Create Quality Content: Write articles that resonate with your audience. Include insights on student life in Nigeria, tips, how-tos, or reviews. Use SEO best practices to improve visibility.
  • Social Media Presence: Leverage social media platforms to promote your blog. Engage with your audience through Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • Monetize Your Blog: Once you’ve built a readership, monetize through ads, sponsored posts, or affiliate marketing. Tools like Google AdSense can help.

Remember, consistency is key. Regularly update your blog with fresh content, and be patient. It takes time to grow your audience, but with dedication, blogging can turn into a profitable business for a student in Nigeria.

5. Selling Bottled Drinks

white plastic bottle lot

Selling bottled drinks on a university campus in Nigeria can be a smart way to turn a modest 30k investment into a steady income stream. The continuous demand for hydration and refreshments in the hot climate creates an ideal market for this enterprise.

To start, choose a location with high foot traffic—near lecture halls, the library, or hostels are excellent options. With your initial capital, invest in a variety of popular and affordable drinks, including bottled water, soft drinks, and perhaps some unique local beverages. A cooler or small fridge will be necessary to keep the drinks chilled.

Competitive pricing is key to attracting the budget-conscious student population. Purchasing drinks in bulk from wholesalers will help keep costs low and profit margins healthy. 


Go with any of the five businesses listed above if you only have 30k as a student. They’re not expensive, and you can manage them without stress while attending classes.

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